On October 18, 2023, a scientific and methodological seminar of the ERASMUS +: Program structure, project content and submission process took place.

The speaker is Ass. Prof. Taras Lytii. The seminar material was prepared according to the new Erasmus+ Program Guide Version 3 (2023): 04-04-2023. Issues considered:

  • 1. Basic principles and tasks of ERASMUS +.
  • 2. The structure of the project, its submission and evaluation algorithm (on the example of K1 and K2: Capacity building).
  • 3. New opportunities for Ukraine.
  • 4. The order of sending students: difficulties and optimal approaches to work.

The seminar was attended by the coordinator of the Erasmus+ program at Sumy State University Kyrychenko K.I. and teachers of other University Departments. Sincere thanks to Taras Lyutii for a meaningful, interesting and useful report!